Transition TAE40116 to TAE40122 MORANBAH – 27 JAN

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3 Days


$2500 excl. GST

Course delivery

Onsite Training Venue

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Transition seamlessly from TAE40116 to TAE40122 with our comprehensive program. Our face to face program is designed to help you transition to the newest Training and Assessor certification in the fastest easiest way possible.

Units Covered


Must currently be working as a trainer or assessor Must hold the full Certificate IV TAE40116 A third party report will be required to sign at your workplace. If you aren’t in a training and assessing role and can’t get this signed, you will be required to find work placement to have this signed to obtain your statement of attainment.

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SpecTraining RTO#31971


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Event Tickets

Transition TAE40116 to TAE40122 MORANBAH - 27 JAN
$ 2,500.00
15 available